Industry KPI Consensus Forecasts
Visible Alpha covers thousands of publicly-traded companies and over 170 industries. For each of the below industries, we offer a subset of our robust consensus data, including historicals and estimates, to answer the key questions investors have for company unit economics, financials and key ratios. More industries are added every month. View all industry KPI Guides >

Which airlines fly the most miles, have the highest load factor and earn the most passenger revenue per mile flown?

Airport Services
Which airport has the most air traffic? Which airports have low borrowing capacity?

Alcoholic Beverages
Which alcoholic beverage companies lead by sales volume?

Application Software
Which application software company generates the highest subscription revenue?

Asset Management
Which asset management company has the largest assets under management?

Auto Manufacturing
Which auto manufacturer is expected to sell the most vehicles in the next year?

Which banks generate the highest profits at the pre-tax, pre-provision level?

Building & Construction
Which companies have the highest capacity to produce cement?

Construction & Engineering
Which construction companies are burning their backlog faster?

Downstream Oil & Gas
Which company has the largest capacity for refining oil?

Gold & Silver Mining
Which mining company is expected to be the primary gold producer in the next two years?

Home Building
Which companies are expected to deliver the most new homes vs. have the largest backlog of deliveries?

Integrated Telecom
Which integrated telecom companies have the highest number of wireless subscribers?

Luxury Goods
Sales growth for which luxury goods company is most impacted by FX growth?

Online Retail
Which online retailer is expected to have the highest gross merchandise value (GMV) in the next year?

Packaged Food & Meats
Which package foods and meat companies lead by revenue?

P&C Insurance
Which are the leading P&C insurance companies by premium revenue? Which are most efficiently handle their claims and expenses?

Power Generation
Which power generation companies lead by revenue? Which companies have the highest capacity for renewable electricity?

Which restaurant is largest in terms of franchise sales or is expected to report the best same store sales growth next year?

Retail REITs
Which retail REITs have the biggest portfolio? Which retail REITs have the highest occupancy levels?

Steel Production
Which are the largest crude steel producing companies? Which company generates the highest revenue from steel?

Upstream Oil & Gas
What is the expected benchmark price for the U.S. and world crude oil market? What is the benchmark price for the natural gas market?
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Visible Alpha Insights captures the forecasts, assumptions and logic from full working sell-side models and integrates them into comparable views across analysts, companies and peer groups. This deep consensus data provides a quick understanding of the sell-side view on a company or industry at a level of granularity, timeliness and interactivity that has never before been possible.
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Visible Alpha Insights
An innovative, integrated experience with granular consensus estimates
Visible Alpha Insights captures the forecasts, assumptions and logic from full working sell-side models and integrates them into comparable views across analysts, companies and peer groups. This deep consensus data provides a quick understanding of the sell-side view on a company or industry at a level of granularity, timeliness and interactivity that has never before been possible.

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