Visible Alpha Insights For Equity Research Analysts
Benchmark Against Consensus and Demonstrate Your Unique Views in Less Time
Sell-side analysts strive to be the experts of their sectors, but it can be difficult to know where you stand against your peers without a thorough understanding of market consensus. With Visible Alpha, you can compare your models against the same consensus data your clients use, enabling better and deeper engagement with the buy side.
Streamline Research and Modeling With Visible Alpha
The Next Evolution in Sell-Side Equity Research

Granular Consensus Data:
Conduct deeper and better research, with granular views into both estimates and actuals for the financial line items, operating metrics, and industry KPIs that drive company performance.
Pre-Standardized Line Items:
Optimize your financial modeling workflows with time-saving standardized line items at both the industry and company level.
Baked-In Auditability:
Have confidence in our numbers, with full transparency of data sources and model assumptions, as well as detailed calculation logic and analytics for every data point on our platform
Easier Peer Benchmarking:
Quickly and seamlessly compare each of your company models to market consensus, all within a single platform.
Custom Critical Alerts:
Leverage custom alerts, watchlists, and line item monitors to receive timely updates on market shifts and stay informed without distractions.
Earnings Season Survival Kit:
Be more prepared for earnings announcements and explaining any beats or misses to the market with quick, automated tools for analyzing surprises, revisions, and any implications.